windows() cx1 <- 150; cx2 <- 600 # Sr, schist and basalt ix1 <- 0.715; ix2 <- 0.703 # 87Sr/86Sr, schist and basalt f1 <- seq(0,1,by=0.05) # prop. of schist in mixture cmx <- cx1*f1+(1-f1)*cx2 # Sr conc. mix [Eq. (16.2)] imx <- ix1*cx1*f1/cmx+ix2*cx2*(1-f1)/cmx # 87Sr/86Sr mix [Eq. (16.1)] cy1 <- 20; cy2 <- 2 # Nd in schist and basalt iy1 <- 0.511; iy2 <- 0.513 # 143Nd/144Nd, schist/basalt cmy <- cy1*f1+(1-f1)*cy2 # Nd conc., mix [Eq. (16.2)] imy <- iy1*cy1*f1/cmy+iy2*cy2*(1-f1)/cmy # 143Nd/144Nd mix [Eq. (16.1)] # Prepare results table res <- cbind(cmx,imx,cmy,imy) rownames(res) <- f1 colnames(res) <- c("Sr","87Sr/86Sr","Nd","143Nd/144Nd") print(res) # Plot the mixing hyperbola plot(imx,imy,xlab=expression(""^87*Sr/""^86*Sr),ylab=expression(""^143*Nd/" "^144*Nd),type="b",xlim=c(0.7023,0.7152),ylim=c(0.5109,0.5131),pch=19) # Calculate and plot asymptotes alpha <- (cx2/cy2)/(cx1/cy1) # calc. alpha [Eq. (16.8)] x0 <- (ix1-alpha*ix2)/(1-alpha) # calc. asymptotes [Eq. (16.14)] y0 <- (iy2-alpha*iy1)/(1-alpha) print(x0) print(y0) abline(v=x0,lty="dashed") # draw asymptotes abline(h=y0,lty="dashed")